We must asked the question “how the universe began or how it’s run” at least once in our life…And of course the common answer gonna be something like “it was all the work of various gods”. But there is one thing I always remind myself for sure, that I am incredibly lucky to be here, on this earth. At this time/ period of time.
One of the defining characteristics of human being is our curiosity. Humans are innately curious creatures. Only human ask the question, WHY?
We’ve been pondering the big questions: why are we here? Are we alone in this universe? Is there a creator?
In ancient times, we used gods to explain the world’s natural phenomena. (Sun gods, gods of rain and thunder, volcano - earthquake gods….
That’s why when we were desperate for good weather, we pray can call for help from gods.
But in early modern times, the line of thinking slowly changing as it became known as the “scientific method” - a strict system for formulating a hypothesis and rigorously testing it through experiments, measurements and observation like Isaac Newton used this system to formulate the laws of gravity and motion, which finally allowed us to understand the movements of planets and stars.
Eventually, scientists would use the scientific method to explain how all of the physical world functions.
This led us to scientific determinism, the belief that every occurrence in nature can be scientifically explained - even human decisions.
But this one is against the idea of FREE WIL, isn’t it?
Then there is no “REALITY” independent from the observer.
Just think about the GOLDFISH. What do you think goldfish sees if it lives in a fishbowl in your living room?
Is that the curved glass would distort the fish’s vision, therefore forcing them to live in a cruelly distorted reality?
So what about us? We first get to believe that our reality isn’t distorted in any way, or that there’s one definitively accurate reality to behold. Is the truth is that we all see things in a war that’s uniquely our own?
ORRRRRRRR, in mother war, there is no “reality” apart from what an individual experiences.
What we call “reality” is a mental picture that our brain produces from the information our senses are sending.
For example if we recognize the image of a tree, it;s because our eyes’s retina caught the light that was being scattered by the tree-like object and our brain used this to create the mental image of a tree.
The reason we believe what we see is reality is because people have used the same senses we have to create the scientific laws that have been accepted as accurate. Then our vision adheres to these OBVIOUS laws, we accept our reality as being the correct one like others.
So, same for the goldfish, the goldfish’s reality within a curved fishbowl could be just as accurate and correct.
Imagine the goldfish conducting experiments in this fishbowl................
update from 2nd May 2018: too lazy to finish the note........ T_T
update from 2nd May 2018: too lazy to finish the note........ T_T
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